The ways in which science and religion develops are very different. Science develops through testing various observations, hypothesis and theories, whereas religion develops through paradigm shift. Science is lot more methological in its development, therefore easier to understand. Below is a diagram I've put up to help me understand:

On the other hand, religion develops in a much more dynamic fashion, and the way it develops itself continues to develop. As Colin Russell's reading of Converging streams: science and biblical analogy illustrates, beliefs in deities and mythical beings such as ghosts and apparitions were popular before the modern science became a lot more prominent, and before that animism existed in primitive forms. But now, religion seems to develop through seperation. That is, creation of various sacts within a religion.
Going back to my idea of the religion developments being very dynamic, I did a very simple experiment. The above diagram regarding science was obtained from the Internet in only a matter of seconds, so I searched for a similar diagram for religion. While I didn't find anything that might be called a comparable diagram of religion to the diagram of science shown above, there were a few interesting results. One of them included the one below:

It's probably not very clear what the words say. The Blogger programme makes it difficult to increase the size of the image larger than that. But the diagram basically categoriese the purposes of religion, some of which are linked to one another. For instance, 'be happy' and 'love' are all part of wanting to 'learn' from the religion.
And since there was a mention about gestalt in this week's lecture, here are a few more images for entertainment value:

The point, of course, which is admittedly irrelevant to the above gestalt images, is to say that religion and science develop very differently.
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