Monday, November 5, 2007

GENS4010 Week 4

The Holy Bible. Is it really true? I think what we have to carefully scruitinise here is not whether the accounts of the Bible is true or not, but what is truth? Truths can be subjective, and something that is a farse and a false to someone can be very real and true to someone else. Religion is a perfect example of this. To lots of people, God is a lie. But to a lot of other people, He exists.

Uncovering the truths of the accounts written in the Bible is a fascinating task, mainly because it's the world's most popular religious book (sells more copies than Harry Potter). Indeed, many people have tried and are trying to prove its stories to be true, such as uncovering evidences of Noah's Ark in Turkey:

Many of these attemps are unfortunately only speculations, and some stories are more difficult to prove than others. What would really cast away every bit of doubt for Christianity is if the resurrection of Jesus can be proven. There have been many debates regaring this, including in our tute discussions. Some theories that were suggested by the lecturer as well as some of the students is that Jesus was rsurrected, and the way he could walk through walls was because he was revived in another dimension - a dimension that we cannot comprehend. Another theory is that there was simply a mistake - Jesus did not die, or he was not buried in the right tomb.

These theories can probably never be proven. I'd be very impressed if a universally convincing argument for this was brought forward.


Something that I came across as very interesting which was not specifically mentioned in the lecture material is the discovery of the Gospel of Judas, which explains why Judas' Gospel was never selected. In fact, there are many gospels which were not selected to be included in the Bible, and Judas' Gospel happens to be only one of them.

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